A message of hope and joy
December 20, 2020
In this week’s readings, we see a direct relationship between the promise made to David in the first reading and the fulfillment of that promise in today’s gospel. David no doubt must have been both surprised and excited about the promise he received, yet there was no way for him to have imagined the enormity of it. He may have understood that promise in terms of the expansion of his earthly empire and domain and the destruction of his enemies, but God had a plan way bigger; a plan already in place before he was chosen from shepherding his father’s flock. Mary’s yes became the fulfillment of that mysterious plan which, according to Saint Paul, was hidden from the foundation of the word. All of this is to tell us that the universe is a harmonious symphony and an intelligent design put together by the most Supreme Intelligence of all. Each and every one of us has been called to a specific mission in the realization of God’s grand design. In the past few weeks we have heard the voices of Isaiah and John the Baptist as they, through their messages, make way for the coming of the Lord. Mary became the perfection of that process. By her yes to the will of the father she made Christmas possible. What the examples of David, Isaiah, John the Baptist, and above all Mary, reminds us is that God’s promises do not happen in a vacuum. He continues to rely on His creatures like you and me to realize His plans. In the midst of these dark times in which we have been living for the past several months, the coming of Christ announces a message of hope and joy to the world. One of the best ways that we can celebrate Christmas this year especially is to become those channels through which God’s good news reaches the world. There is a neighbor, a co-worker, a family member, a stranger, someone lonely out there who could use a listening ear, a warm embrace, or a helping hand. There is someone whose life could be blessed by being gifted with those extra pair of shoes or clothes which you haven’t worn in years. Can you commit today to be that bearer of good news to a neighbor in need? Can you, like Mary, make Christmas real for someone? May the birth of Jesus the Emmanuel fill our lives with hope, peace and joy, Amen.
Wishing you all my dear parishioners a truly Merry Christmas!
Remember a friend in prayer today.