July 12, 2020
God’s words are described as seeds both in the first reading and in the gospel. And we are the grounds for that seed. God’s purpose is for His seeds to bear fruit in us and He is saddened when they do not. The Psalmist reiterates a similar sentiment in today’s Psalm on the need to be fruitful. Jesus in the gospel recognizes the challenges and obstacles that stand in our way as we seek to germinate, to grow and to bear fruit. Rocky and sandy soil as well as thorns are indicative of those unfavorable circumstances that we often face as we seek to do God’s will. Yet, those are nothing in comparison to the glory that lies ahead as Saint Paul reminds us in today’s second reading. Besides, through our numerous challenges, God provides immeasurable graces. The softening of the grounds, the drenching of the furrows and the provision of showers are all pointers to God’s relentless graces as enunciated in the Psalm so that the seed can grow. Accordingly, Saint Paul reminds us to not allow the grace of God given to each and every one of us to be in vain. Jesus addresses the consequences of fruitlessness in the gospel about the parable of the vine and branches: ‘Those that bear fruits He prunes with care and those that do not are cut off and destroyed.’ Our calling as Christians is to be fruitful. To be fruitful is kindness and compassion, fruitful in gentleness and generosity, fruitful in mercy and forgiveness and above all to be fruitful in love. God strengthens us all with the gift of His grace and His Holy Spirit every single day. May we take advantages of these God given privileges and blessings to live true to our calling which is to bring glory to God leading to the eternal salvation of our souls, Amen.