Religious Education Classes
SAINT JUSTIN-SAINT MICHAEL’S RELIGIOUS EDUCATION PROGRAM is based on a traditional style classroom experience for youths in kindergarten through high school. Students use a number of learning tools including textbooks, take home papers, discussions and group projects. Families registering their children for Religious Education programs should be registered members of St. Justin-St. Michael Parish.

First Reconciliation & First Holy Communion
Typically, baptized children begin preparations to receive these sacraments in the 1st grade and conclude with the receiving of First Holy Communion on Corpus Christi Sunday. To fully prepare children for the reception of the sacraments, a commitment on the part of the parents or guardian to ensure that children attend religious education classes faithfully, complete all take home assignments on time and worship regularly at Sunday Mass is essential. Parents or Guardians are required to attend one Parent/Guardian workshop in the fall and the spring. Parents/Guardians must also sign the Sacramental Preparation Covenant form.
Preparation for Confirmation is a two-year program. Students enter the first year of the Confirmation program in 9th grade or their freshman year of high school, and receive their sacraments near the end of the 10th grade. The Confirmation program includes classroom preparation once a week for one hour in addition to social justice activities. Students in our program learn about the decision-making process and use of the Bible in order to become more aware of Jesus and how our faith helps us make responsible decisions.
Rites of Christian Initiation for Children
Older children and teens who are not baptized or have not received their First Holy Communion can prepare for Baptism or First Holy Communion through the Rite of Christian Initiation for Children (RCIC) program. Children registered in the RCIC program usually receive their sacraments at the Easter Vigil on Holy Saturday.

Confessions are held every Saturday from 4:00 – 4:30 p.m. in the Parish Center.
Baptismal Preparation Classes:
Classes are held the First Saturday of every month starting at 10:00 a.m. in Please call the Parish office at (860) 246-6897 to register.
Marriage Preparation Classes:
If you are planning to be married, you must call the Parish Office at (860) 246-6897 at least 6 months before your desired date to schedule marriage preparation classes.
Religious Education/ Faith Formation:
SATURDAYS 9:30 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. St. Justin-St. Michael Parish Center.
Right of Christian Initiation for Children:
Please contact the Director of Religious Education.
RCIA – Right of Christian Initiation for Adults
If you or someone you know has questions about the Catholic Church or would like to inquire about the process of becoming a Catholic call the parish office at (860) 246-6897 or contact Donna Shears (860) 986-1667.
Let Us Pray For Our Sick
If you would like the priest and/or deacon from the parish to visit you or your loved ones at home, in the hospital or hospice please call (860) 263-9370 if you or a family member are in the hospital.