It is not a matter of race or any other kind of privilege
His voice assures us as He did to His disciples: Take courage and do not be afraid; for I am with you, Amen.
His voice assures us as He did to His disciples: Take courage and do not be afraid; for I am with you, Amen.
His voice assures us as He did to His disciples: Take courage and do not be afraid; for I am with you, Amen.
Nothing whatsoever can separate us from the love of God,
All things work for good for those who love God.
Jesus in the gospel recognizes the challenges and obstacles that stand in our way as we seek to germinate, to grow and to bear fruit.
As we begin the second half of the year, may we bow to Him in trust as we commend every single moment of our lives unto His care.
The Solemnity of Corpus Christi reminds us of the gift of His Sacred body and blood. Jesus gives us His body as a meal of everlasting life.